Attempting to standardize the deviance...

Thursday, July 27, 2006

An update

Mike and I are about to tear our hair out.

The car was supposed to be here Tuesday or Wednesday. Wednesday morning I called the company and learned that our car was in El Paso, TX, on a truck just leaving for Fontana, CA. We'll have it maybe Friday, maybe Monday. I did inform the customer service guy that El Paso != Berkeley, and that I was promised the car in 7-10 days from pickup. Now, having worked with sales guys before, I know they tend to promise more than they can deliver and that the poor jamoke in customer service gets to eat the complaints when things fall through. However, I would have appreciated their tracking website being updated with realistic delivery times so I know what to expect.

Meanwhile, on the "rest of our stuff" front, the delivery has been pushed to Sunday afternoon. We're looking forward to having our own bed. Aerobeds are comfy for a night or two, and I'd certainly recommend them as a guest-bed solution. However, sleeping on one for two weeks straight is a bit hard on the back.

On an up note, our new sofa and love seat were delivered today. We found ones that we liked in a little hole-in-the-wall warehouse'o'furniture near here, but didn't like the color they had on hand. The guy showed us a book of swatches of easily 20 colors and patterns to choose from, and said that custom-ordering one in a different fabric was no extra charge but would take 2-3 weeks. In remarkable contrast to everything else we've been waiting on, this order was delivered *before* we expected it, in just about 10 days. So, Sofa Warehouse on San Pablo in Berkeley gets two thumbs up from Mike and I.

I've scoped out the route from here to campus (2.5 miles), and have decided that I'll ride the bus when the weather is inclement, and get a bike for tooling around on when the weather is decent. I've ordered a Dekra Women's Cruiser with D-drive . D-drive is their chainless technology... it seems like a pretty cool bike. The only real downside I see is that it only has 3 gears. However, I'm going to be riding on mostly flat city streets, with a slight hill leading up into campus, so 3 speeds should be sufficient for my needs.

We're still in hurry up and wait mode, which is starting to get old. Soon enough we'll have our stuff and feel like we actually live here, rather than being on some strange camping trip involving an empty apartment and an inflatabed.


At 4:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hurray! You made it! Sounds like you are having quite the adventure already...I really hope that your car and your stuff gets there very very soon so that you really can start moving in and building the life! I hope you got our card and know that we are wishing you real plates, real cooking utensils and many reasons to continue eating out ;>

At 4:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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