Attempting to standardize the deviance...

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Tivo and Store Brand Beer

Hallo. I know, long time, no post.

All is well. I got a B+ and an A- for my first term... not great, but not horrid either. I'll have to step it up a bit next term.

We spent a few days at my parent's cabin for Christmas. We gave a lift to my sister, who was having some car trouble. Her husband had an important appointment in Sacramento on the 27th, so we spent a day at her house on the way home so they could use my car to get the appointment.

We pooled all of our christmas money together to get a Tivo... they had a promotion going where you got the box for free if you agree to a year's service... so we took the free box and used our Christmas money to pre-pay the service requirement. I think it's going to be good, although I confused myself this morning.

I was watching football and paused the live TV so I could go get something from the kitchen. I returned and continued watching the game... a few minutes later, I went online to see how my fantasy league team was doing. Much to my surprise, the score online for the game I was watching was higher than the score on my screen. It took me a long pause to figure out why. :P Yeah, I'm a dork. If someone had come in who didn't know the game on the TV was five minutes behind real time, I could have made a few bucks by betting them that the Cowboys would score on this drive...

We went to Trader Joe's to get a few things for New Year's Eve dinner... take'n'bake pizza and salami and cream cheese. Mike bought some store brand beer. It's unusual for us to have any beer at all; I think this is the first time since we got married that there's beer in the house. I got a chuckle at the thought of store brand Hefe Weizen. We've had good luck with other TJ's store brand stuff, so I'll have to get Mike's opinion on the beer. We got home and discovered that we don't actually have a bottle opener. Oops. One of us will have to walk to the Walgreen's up the street and fix that.

There's really not much new to report. I'm spending break working on a project for one of my professors. Mike got in on the action a bit as the prof needed a computer geek for a couple hours of work setting up a few things. It sounds like Mike will get some odd work here and there from the prof, which is good.

Happy New Year to all!