Attempting to standardize the deviance...

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Hitting the office jackpot

We got assigned our offices yesterday morning. The grad student offices are 3-person affairs, and I share mine with a fourth-year PhD student and a post-Doc. The post-Doc will be leaving in a month, so I guess it'll be two of us in there.

Evans Hall is approximately square... The north, south, and east sides all sport lovely views of the buildings adjacent. The west side, however, looks out across campus, then the Bay, with San Francisco and the Golden Gate Bridge off in the distance. It's pretty easy to guess which side of the building is considered prime office territory. My digs? West side all the way. =) Obviously not everyone can have an office on that side, but I somehow got lucky.

The A's game was fun, although I left after the 7th inning. I was seated next to two fellows who had just arrived from India the day before. I spent most of the game explaining what was going on. :p I think I did okay, although I had some trouble explaining a balk and why Oakland scored a run even though the ball wasn't in play. (Pitcher balked, runner who happened to be on 3rd got a free base...)

I'm feeling very low on sleep and am looking forward to the weekend when I can sleep in a bit. :)


At 6:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations! You will so have to take a picture and post!


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