Attempting to standardize the deviance...

Friday, August 04, 2006

Shake, rattle and roll

Well, mostly a little bit of shake, not so much in the rattle and roll department. A couple of nights ago we had a 4.something quake here in the Bay Area. It hit around 8:08 pm, right as Mike and I were camped on the couch watching the Daily Show. I noticed it, Mike didn't. 4. is relative small, it feels kind of like when a big truck rumbles past a small house... a bit of vibration, that's about it. I don't think any major damage occurred anywhere.

We now have pretty much all of our stuff. The car arrived this morning, yay! I made a run to Target to get bookshelves and a step ladder, the lack of which had been preventing us from fully unpacking. I've just finished construction on some elCheapo bookshelves and once I catch my breath I'll start unloading books.

So far, much to my amazement, absolutely nothing is broken from the move. All the dishes and glassware made it through okay. I haven't cracked open all of the boxes yet, but the ones still sealed are largely books, board games, and other tough-to-break items.

Mike's dad was in town on business and was able to have dinner with us on Tuesday. We went to Venus which is rapidly becoming Mike and I's favorite restaurant in the area. The use local organic/sustainable foods and prepare them extremely well. This was our first dinner there and we weren't disappointed. We've been there before for breakfast... french toast made with challah bread is YUMMY.

Mike is off at Radio Shack getting some speaker wire and maybe another surge suppressor. The TV/Stereo/all computers used to be in the same room, now they're spread across 3 different areas, so although we have many power strips and such, it just wasn't quite enough.

The Statistics department is taking us on a field trip to an A's game in a few weeks. They're picking up the tickets for the students, and we were given the opportunity to buy extra tickets for spouses/guests. I'm going, largely to socialize with some of the folks I'll be spending the next 4-5 years with. Mike has told me many tales of going to Pirates games with his grandfather... the crowd would start the chant of "Let's Go Bucs!" and Mike would chime in with "Let's Go Home!". Needless to say, I decided to save us the $10 and not buy him a ticket. :p

We're having a bit better luck on the social front. I ran into Irma, a second year PhD stat student whom I met when visiting in March. She and her husband live in the same complex, 2 blocks away or so. Also, the empty apartment next to us got filled up a few days ago. There's a very nice lady named Karla and a precocious toddler named Owen. Karla's husband is also there, although I don't know his name yet.

All is generally well, the weather is still gorgeous and we're glad to have both our stuff and our car.


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