Attempting to standardize the deviance...

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Well, there's at least one form of transportation in the house...

My bike arrived today! It was "mostly assembled"... I just had to attach the handlebars and pedals, and run the wire down to the front brake. Alas, they ship shiny new bikes with semi-inflated tires. Thus, no riding right away.

We don't actually own a bike pump, but in our neighborhood meanderings we discovered that there's an REI maybe 6 or 7 blocks away. They're open till 8 on Saturdays, so maybe after supper we'll walk up and see what they have in stock.

The helmet, of course, hasn't arrived yet, because that's the way our lives go these days. So, even once I get the tires properly inflated, I'll have to stick to riding it up and down our out-of-the-way lightly trafficked street to test the brakes and such, no going out on roads outside the apartment complex until I have a brain bucket. Helmets aren't required for people over 18 in CA, but they're certainly a darned fine idea (see: Roethlisberger, B.)

Today, the most gray and dismal day of our brief tenure in Berkeley, was of course the day of the complex's annual Ice Cream Social. Free ice cream a block or so away? Sign me up! We each went and collected our free scoop... I had vanilla, Mike went with mango sorbet. We didn't really meet anyone... I think we were the only couple there without children, so we stood by and observed as the other residents largely rode herd on their offspring. I've developed a "smile and wave" relationship with a number of the people that I see on the sidewalks regularly, and that's the extent of our social networking thus far. We had high hopes for the Ice Creaminess, but our plans went asunder as many people were herding children and it was too chilly to stand around outside too much.

Still no stuff. We're presuming that the mover will be here tomorrow afternoon as we haven't heard otherwise. Of course, customer service lines are closed on weekends, so we can't really call and whine until Monday if they don't show.


At 5:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said... ice cream can never be bad :> A bike a bike! Can you post a picture? I would love to see it :> I am hoping beyond hope that your stuff gets there today... Good Luck!


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