Attempting to standardize the deviance...

Monday, October 30, 2006

Can't breathe. Laughing too hard.

Every year, on the weekend nearest Halloween, Chicago Area Mensa holds an enormous (600 people or so) gathering. There's a costume contest, with prizes being awarded for best pun and worst pun. I wasn't able to go this year, but have heard this first-hand account from the fellow unfortunate to go on after the winner...


The winner of worst pun was hilarious. I was laughing
so hard that it was hard for me to give my spiel when
I went up to the podium. I followed directly after
him. It was [name redacted], dressed as a snake
charmer. He sat on the floor and played his flute, but
the snake would not rise. He opened the basket,
slapped the snake a few times, but it still would not
rise. Finally he apologized, "Sorry, folks. I'm having
a reptile dysfunction."


At 6:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

BWAH!!! That is hysterical!!! Oh and happy birthday by the way!!


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